Thursday, November 21, 2013

Type mask

I started with the type mask just to get my text inputed. Then i started to mess with the layers to make it look crisp and nice.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Budadadada Are you really loving it?

This pictures gaze position started off as pointing towards people who are looking for a quick cheap burger that looks and tastes delecious.
After the change the audience is still people looking for a cheap hamburger but showing them that in reality they are getting what they paid for instead of a delecious hamburger.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is it?

Gaze position is what shoes you put yourself in while looking at the ads.  Like werthers you put yourself as an older person enoying them because thats were they are apointed to.
Recontextualization is taking a well knownfigure and placing them in a different scenario.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Still Life

Every thing in these picture represent my life. My lettermen jacket makes me feel accomplised for lettering in sports. My famil and my father are also in there. My soccer cleats represents the fact that soccer is my life. My cheer bow represents my 2 1/2 years of being cheerleader. The crown reperesnts that i am a princess. Maybe not literally but in my mind i am a princess. The picture of me as a baby shows my growth over the past 14 years from that picture.

To edit these pictures I messed with the hugh and sauration and also the brightness and contrast. I also tried messing with the feather tool and iris blur to make my pictures look nice.