Thursday, December 19, 2013

5 - 10 sentence written reflection on your blog: What were your favorite projects during this course? Least favorite? Why? What did you learn? How can you apply this knowledge after high school?

Over the last semster we have done like a million projects. My favorite project was the pop art. ALl the colors and brightness was such a fun thing to do. I felt like i got to express myself through a picture. Another favorite of mine was the still life. I just loved the way my picture turned out and it really showed me and all the components of my life. My least favorite project was the magazine cover. It was just silly and i could not get it to look good so i didnt like it. This course helped me learn more about photoshop then I had ever known. It also taught me how to take nice pictures and some really cool effect you can get. After highschool i can apply this knowledge if i want to create ads or take amazing pictures for someone.  


Final Video

Friday, December 6, 2013

Easy Breezy Beautiful... COvergirl

This is my second magazien cover. It is on a foundation that can cover up anything including black eyes

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Composition Shoot

Repeating Shapes
Run off 3 edges
Use the whole space
 S curve
Negative Space

IB learner profile Caring MAgazing

For this magazine i decided on caring, it just seemesd like he best thing for me to choose because I am a very caring person.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Type mask

I started with the type mask just to get my text inputed. Then i started to mess with the layers to make it look crisp and nice.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Budadadada Are you really loving it?

This pictures gaze position started off as pointing towards people who are looking for a quick cheap burger that looks and tastes delecious.
After the change the audience is still people looking for a cheap hamburger but showing them that in reality they are getting what they paid for instead of a delecious hamburger.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What is it?

Gaze position is what shoes you put yourself in while looking at the ads.  Like werthers you put yourself as an older person enoying them because thats were they are apointed to.
Recontextualization is taking a well knownfigure and placing them in a different scenario.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Still Life

Every thing in these picture represent my life. My lettermen jacket makes me feel accomplised for lettering in sports. My famil and my father are also in there. My soccer cleats represents the fact that soccer is my life. My cheer bow represents my 2 1/2 years of being cheerleader. The crown reperesnts that i am a princess. Maybe not literally but in my mind i am a princess. The picture of me as a baby shows my growth over the past 14 years from that picture.

To edit these pictures I messed with the hugh and sauration and also the brightness and contrast. I also tried messing with the feather tool and iris blur to make my pictures look nice.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


 Shallow Depth of Field : Bokeh effect 3.5 appeture

 Medium depth of field.. 9 appeture
Deep depth of field.. 22 appeture

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Can you find the diffrences??? Theres 20 of them!

Heres the key if you couldnt find all 20

Hers is the original

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Photo Montage

This is my landscape montage. Its hard and theres a million photos

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


 Multiple Exposure
Word. it was supposed to say Kurr

 Combonation. Love inside a circle

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My own Retouch

This is how my own retouch picture I found on google worked. The large tears were pretty hard to get through but in the end the picture looked great. I used the spot healing tool to get rid of the little speks at the top or the picture and the the healing brush tool to get rid of all the tears. This helped the photo look much nicer and not damaged.

GGFather Retouch

This is my photo retouch picture, i used mostly the healing brush tool to cleanup all the tears and then the water healing tool to get the little spots in the corners out of the way. It wasn't to hard for me but i didn't attempt to go over the eyes because i didn't want to ruin my progress already.

Thursday, August 22, 2013


 This is my angle down photo. I increased the saturation and the red balance.

 This is my angle up picture.
 This is my perspective picture. Notice the S is big and the word looks like its getting smaller.
This is my shadow picture. I had to increase the saturation to make it look nice.
 This is my reflection picture.

 This is my sidelight. Notice that one side is light by the sun.
This is my texture picture. Notice that you can physically see the texture.
This is my pattern picture. notice the dot pattern.
Anthony is my frame within a frame picture.
This is my backlight picture. It was really hard to get.